- The DMZ/STAGING AREAS are indicated on the playing board and are colored red.
- The Staging Areas are directly behind the “DMZ” (The DMZ and The Staging Areas are “safe areas”.)
- Enemy strike forces cannot penetrate into the DMZ/Staging Areas.
Once a piece moves out of the DMZ/Staging Areas and into a battle zone they may not return to the staging area unless directed by a “RECON PACK” card. - Pieces may not move within the DMZ/Staging Areas.
- Pieces may not make a direct strike from the DMZ/Staging Areas.
- The DEMILITARIZED ZONES: Is indicated on the playing board and is colored red. The staging area is directly behind the “DMZ”. The “DMZ” and the staging area is a safe area.
- Enemy strike forces cannot penetrate into the “DMZ” or the staging area. Once a player moves his pieces out of the “DMZ” and into the battle zone, it cannot return.
- Weapons and personnel cannot move laterally inside the staging area or the DMZ line. When a weapon is ready to go into battle, it must move out toward the battle zone and cannot be utilized until it crosses over the DMZ.
- Weapons cannot make a direct strike from the staging area or the DMZ. If it is your turn, and you cannot make a move, and you are blocked from leaving the DMZ, you lose that weapon.
- All INFANTRY and TANK pieces MUST use the bridges in order to get to an adjacent Battle Zone/Quadrant (unless airlifted with a RECON PACK card).
- INFANTRY and TANK pieces may NOT move from Bridge to Bridge (unless airlifted with a RECON PACK card).
- ICBM, JET FIGHTER, HELICOPTER, ARTILLERY may move or attack from Bridge to Bridge.
RECON DECK (yellow cards)
- THE RECON PACK DECK Is the deck of cards placed in the center of the board for RECON PACK play.
- The RECON PACK spaces on the board are indicated in yellow.
- When a player lands on a RECON PACK Space he must draw a card and follow the card’s instructions.
- Each player can use the RECON PACK Spaces in any battle zone (or quadrant).
- A piece may safely occupy a RECON PACK Space for one round of play.
- On the next turn it must move off that RECON PACK Space.*
- A player may make a strike from the RECON PACK Space when it is their turn.
- Any pieces occupying the RECON PACK Space may NOT be attacked, unless the game is in “Final Assault”.
- Any piece may cross over a RECON PACK Space as part of a continued movement without having to draw a card.
- You are not permitted to move from one RECON PACK Space to another unless the cards direct you to do so.
- As each player draws from the RECON PACK DECK the cards are removed from play for the rest of the game, unless instructions from a particular card directs otherwise.
- When a RECON PACK Card orders the Recovery of a piece, the player must place it on their DMZ line or if full, the next consecutive line of spaces. (Player’s option where).
- Once the RECON PACK Cards are used up, the “The Final Assault” mode begins.
*If a player moves any other piece while occupying a Recon Space and another player catches them, that player loses the occupying piece. If they are not caught before the next player moves, the piece is safe until the next turn. If you have TWO Recon Pack Spaces occupied you have two turns in which to move them off (players option which piece first). If you choose to move any other piece than either of the two pieces on the RECON PACK spaces, both pieces are lost and removed from the board.
- ICBM (Surfeit) – 1 piece
- JET FIGHTERS (Arcus) – 2 pieces
- HELICOPTERS (Vex) – 3 pieces
- ARTILLERY (Wega) – 4 pieces
- TANKS (Raze) – 5 pieces
- INFANTRY (Orbis) – 6 pieces
- Three spaces (must move all three), in any direction, vertical, diagonal or horizontal, in any combination
- Cannot pass over the same space twice
- Cannot pass over any other pieces
- Target is destroyed on the third space
- MUST use the bridges in order to get to an adjacent Battle Zone/Quadrant (unless airlifted with a RECON PACK card)
- Unlimited movement, horizontal and vertical only (no combinations), into any battle zone on the board. (Must follow “Red” Grid Lines)
- May pass over own men or equipment, but not the enemy’s
- If striking a target the first target on its chosen path must be the objective
- May cross water without the aid of bridges
- May Move/Attack from bridge to bridge. (Must follow Grid Lines)
- One, Two, or Three spaces any direction, diagonal, vertical or horizontal and in any combination
- Can pass over any men or equipment
- Does not have to move the entire three spaces to complete it’s mission
- May jump water which does not exhaust any of the three spaces in move (Does NOT count as a space – Must follow Grid Lines)
- May Move/Attack from bridge to bridge. (Does NOT count as a space – Must follow Grid Lines)
- One, Two, or Three spaces any direction, diagonal, vertical or horizontal and in any combination
- Can pass over any men or equipment
- Does not have to move the entire three spaces to complete it’s mission
- May jump water which does not exhaust any of the three spaces in move (Does NOT count as a space – Must follow Grid Lines)
- May Move/Attack from bridge to bridge. (Does NOT count as a space – Must follow Grid Lines)
- Unlimited movement, diagonal, vertical or horizontal (no combinations) into any battle zone. (Must follow Grid Lines)
- May pass over own men or equipment, but not the enemy’s.
- If striking a target the first target on its chosen path must be the objective.
- May cross water without the aid of bridges
- May Move/Attack from bridge to bridge. (Must follow Grid Lines.
- Unlimited movement, diagonal, vertical, or horizontal (no combinations), into any battle zone. (Must follow Grid Lines)
- Can pass over any men or equipment.
- Must hit a target directly on its chosen path.
- Target destruction includes every adjoining space to the target space.
- May cross water without the aid of bridges
- May Move/Attack from bridge to bridge.
- Must follow Grid Lines at all times.
- To Begin Play For Two, Three or Four Players: Shuffle the RECON PACK deck and place on the board.
- Each player draws a card.
- On each card there is a small number, the player with the highest number makes the first move.
- Each player then follows, one move each, clockwise around the board.
- If Less Than Four Are Playing: All unoccupied battle zones are available for use by all players, EXCEPT the DMZ/The Staging Areas of the unoccupied battle zones.
- An attack is complete when, one piece moves onto a space occupied by an enemy piece.
- The defeated piece is then removed from the board.
- Defeated pieces may be returned to game play by a RECON PACK CARD.
- The Final Assault is executed after the last RECON PACK card is drawn.
- The last card must be used at this time and all other cards in play must be used immediately or discarded.
- The objective of the Final Assault is to occupy an opponent’s quadrant (battle zone) and out number their active pieces by any combination of any number of opponents’ pieces.
- Pieces on or behind the DMZ and in the “Staging Area” are not counted as “Active”
- Active pieces located outside of their home quadrant or battle zone are not counted.
- Once the RECON PACK cards are used up, the RECON PACK spaces become as any other space.
*If the Enemy Pieces out number, by one, that battle zone’s army (those pieces that are out of the staging area and off of the DMZ, and are in action), that Army is defeated and out of the game with all pieces removed regardless of where they are on the board. This does not effect any other player’s pieces in that battle zone.